/** * @package Joomla.Platform * @subpackage Utilities * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE */ defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die; /** * JDate is a class that stores a date and provides logic to manipulate * and render that date in a variety of formats. * * @package Joomla.Platform * @subpackage Utilities * @since 11.1 */ class el_GRDate extends DateTime { const DAY_ABBR = "\x021\x03"; const DAY_NAME = "\x022\x03"; const MONTH_ABBR = "\x023\x03"; const MONTH_NAME = "\x024\x03"; /** * The format string to be applied when using the __toString() magic method. * * @var string * @since 11.1 */ public static $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'; /** * Placeholder for a DateTimeZone object with GMT as the time zone. * * @var object * @since 11.1 */ protected static $gmt; /** * Placeholder for a DateTimeZone object with the default server * time zone as the time zone. * * @var object * @since 11.1 */ protected static $stz; /** * An array of offsets and time zone strings representing the available * options from Joomla! CMS 1.5 and below. * * @deprecated 12.1 * * @var array * @since 11.1 */ protected static $offsets = array('-12' => 'Etc/GMT-12', '-11' => 'Pacific/Midway', '-10' => 'Pacific/Honolulu', '-9.5' => 'Pacific/Marquesas', '-9' => 'US/Alaska', '-8' => 'US/Pacific', '-7' => 'US/Mountain', '-6' => 'US/Central', '-5' => 'US/Eastern', '-4.5' => 'America/Caracas', '-4' => 'America/Barbados', '-3.5' => 'Canada/Newfoundland', '-3' => 'America/Buenos_Aires', '-2' => 'Atlantic/South_Georgia', '-1' => 'Atlantic/Azores', '0' => 'Europe/London', '1' => 'Europe/Amsterdam', '2' => 'Europe/Istanbul', '3' => 'Asia/Riyadh', '3.5' => 'Asia/Tehran', '4' => 'Asia/Muscat', '4.5' => 'Asia/Kabul', '5' => 'Asia/Karachi', '5.5' => 'Asia/Calcutta', '5.75' => 'Asia/Katmandu', '6' => 'Asia/Dhaka', '6.5' => 'Indian/Cocos', '7' => 'Asia/Bangkok', '8' => 'Australia/Perth', '8.75' => 'Australia/West', '9' => 'Asia/Tokyo', '9.5' => 'Australia/Adelaide', '10' => 'Australia/Brisbane', '10.5' => 'Australia/Lord_Howe', '11' => 'Pacific/Kosrae', '11.5' => 'Pacific/Norfolk', '12' => 'Pacific/Auckland', '12.75' => 'Pacific/Chatham', '13' => 'Pacific/Tongatapu', '14' => 'Pacific/Kiritimati'); /** * The DateTimeZone object for usage in rending dates as strings. * * @var object * @since 11.1 */ protected $_tz; /** * Constructor. * * @param string $date String in a format accepted by strtotime(), defaults to "now". * @param mixed $tz Time zone to be used for the date. * * @since 11.1 * * @throws JException */ public function __construct($date = 'now', $tz = null) { // Create the base GMT and server time zone objects. if (empty(self::$gmt) || empty(self::$stz)) { self::$gmt = new DateTimeZone('GMT'); self::$stz = new DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get()); } // If the time zone object is not set, attempt to build it. if (!($tz instanceof DateTimeZone)) { if ($tz === null) { $tz = self::$gmt; } elseif (is_numeric($tz)) { // Translate from offset. $tz = new DateTimeZone(self::$offsets[(string) $tz]); } elseif (is_string($tz)) { $tz = new DateTimeZone($tz); } } // If the date is numeric assume a unix timestamp and convert it. date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $date = is_numeric($date) ? date('c', $date) : $date; // Call the DateTime constructor. parent::__construct($date, $tz); // reset the timezone for 3rd party libraries/extension that does not use JDate date_default_timezone_set(self::$stz->getName()); // Set the timezone object for access later. $this->_tz = $tz; } /** * Magic method to access properties of the date given by class to the format method. * * @param string $name The name of the property. * * @return mixed A value if the property name is valid, null otherwise. * * @since 11.1 */ public function __get($name) { $value = null; switch ($name) { case 'daysinmonth': $value = $this->format('t', true); break; case 'dayofweek': $value = $this->format('N', true); break; case 'dayofyear': $value = $this->format('z', true); break; case 'isleapyear': $value = (boolean) $this->format('L', true); break; case 'day': $value = $this->format('d', true); break; case 'hour': $value = $this->format('H', true); break; case 'minute': $value = $this->format('i', true); break; case 'second': $value = $this->format('s', true); break; case 'month': $value = $this->format('m', true); break; case 'ordinal': $value = $this->format('S', true); break; case 'week': $value = $this->format('W', true); break; case 'year': $value = $this->format('Y', true); break; default: $trace = debug_backtrace(); trigger_error( 'Undefined property via __get(): ' . $name . ' in ' . $trace[0]['file'] . ' on line ' . $trace[0]['line'], E_USER_NOTICE ); } return $value; } /** * Magic method to render the date object in the format specified in the public * static member JDate::$format. * * @return string The date as a formatted string. * * @since 11.1 */ public function __toString() { return (string) parent::format(self::$format); } /** * Proxy for new JDate(). * * @param string $date String in a format accepted by strtotime(), defaults to "now". * @param mixed $tz Time zone to be used for the date. * * @return JDate * * @since 11.3 * @throws JException */ public static function getInstance($date = 'now', $tz = null) { return new JDate($date, $tz); } /** * Translates day of week number to a string. * * @param integer $day The numeric day of the week. * @param boolean $abbr Return the abbreviated day string? * * @return string The day of the week. * * @since 11.1 */ public function dayToString($day, $abbr = false) { switch ($day) { case 0: return $abbr ? JText::_('SUN') : JText::_('SUNDAY'); case 1: return $abbr ? JText::_('MON') : JText::_('MONDAY'); case 2: return $abbr ? JText::_('TUE') : JText::_('TUESDAY'); case 3: return $abbr ? JText::_('WED') : JText::_('WEDNESDAY'); case 4: return $abbr ? JText::_('THU') : JText::_('THURSDAY'); case 5: return $abbr ? JText::_('FRI') : JText::_('FRIDAY'); case 6: return $abbr ? JText::_('SAT') : JText::_('SATURDAY'); } } /** * Gets the date as a formatted string in a local calendar. * * @param string $format The date format specification string (see {@link PHP_MANUAL#date}) * @param boolean $local True to return the date string in the local time zone, false to return it in GMT. * @param boolean $translate True to translate localised strings * * @return string The date string in the specified format format. * * @since 11.1 */ public function calendar($format, $local = false, $translate = true) { return $this->format($format, $local, $translate); } /** * Gets the date as a formatted string. * * @param string $format The date format specification string (see {@link PHP_MANUAL#date}) * @param boolean $local True to return the date string in the local time zone, false to return it in GMT. * @param boolean $translate True to translate localised strings * * @return string The date string in the specified format format. * * @since 11.1 */ public function format($format, $local = false, $translate = true) { if ($translate) { // Do string replacements for date format options that can be translated. $format = preg_replace('/(^|[^\\\])D/', "\\1" . self::DAY_ABBR, $format); $format = preg_replace('/(^|[^\\\])l/', "\\1" . self::DAY_NAME, $format); $format = preg_replace('/(^|[^\\\])M/', "\\1" . self::MONTH_ABBR, $format); $format = preg_replace('/(^|[^\\\])F/', "\\1" . self::MONTH_NAME, $format); } // If the returned time should not be local use GMT. if ($local == false) { parent::setTimezone(self::$gmt); } // Format the date. $return = parent::format($format); if ($translate) { // Manually modify the month and day strings in the formatted time. if (strpos($return, self::DAY_ABBR) !== false) { $return = str_replace(self::DAY_ABBR, $this->dayToString(parent::format('w'), true), $return); } if (strpos($return, self::DAY_NAME) !== false) { $return = str_replace(self::DAY_NAME, $this->dayToString(parent::format('w')), $return); } if (strpos($return, self::MONTH_ABBR) !== false) { $return = str_replace(self::MONTH_ABBR, $this->monthToString(parent::format('n'), true), $return); } if (strpos($return, self::MONTH_NAME) !== false) { $return = str_replace(self::MONTH_NAME, $this->monthToString(parent::format('n')), $return); } } if ($local == false) { parent::setTimezone($this->_tz); } if(preg_match("/d|j/", $format)){$orig_months = array("άριος", "άρτιος", "ίλιος", "άιος", "ύνιος", "ύλιος", "ύγουστος", "έμβριος", "ώβριος");$new_months = array("αρίου", "αρτίου", "ιλίου", "αΐου", "υνίου", "υλίου", "υγούστου", "εμβρίου", "ωβρίου");for ($i = 0; $i < count($orig_months); $i++) $return = str_replace($orig_months[$i], $new_months[$i], $return);}return $return; } /** * Get the time offset from GMT in hours or seconds. * * @param boolean $hours True to return the value in hours. * * @return float The time offset from GMT either in hours or in seconds. * * @since 11.1 */ public function getOffsetFromGMT($hours = false) { return (float) $hours ? ($this->_tz->getOffset($this) / 3600) : $this->_tz->getOffset($this); } /** * Translates month number to a string. * * @param integer $month The numeric month of the year. * @param boolean $abbr If true, return the abbreviated month string * * @return string The month of the year. * * @since 11.1 */ public function monthToString($month, $abbr = false) { switch ($month) { case 1: return $abbr ? JText::_('JANUARY_SHORT') : JText::_('JANUARY'); case 2: return $abbr ? JText::_('FEBRUARY_SHORT') : JText::_('FEBRUARY'); case 3: return $abbr ? JText::_('MARCH_SHORT') : JText::_('MARCH'); case 4: return $abbr ? JText::_('APRIL_SHORT') : JText::_('APRIL'); case 5: return $abbr ? JText::_('MAY_SHORT') : JText::_('MAY'); case 6: return $abbr ? JText::_('JUNE_SHORT') : JText::_('JUNE'); case 7: return $abbr ? JText::_('JULY_SHORT') : JText::_('JULY'); case 8: return $abbr ? JText::_('AUGUST_SHORT') : JText::_('AUGUST'); case 9: return $abbr ? JText::_('SEPTEMBER_SHORT') : JText::_('SEPTEMBER'); case 10: return $abbr ? JText::_('OCTOBER_SHORT') : JText::_('OCTOBER'); case 11: return $abbr ? JText::_('NOVEMBER_SHORT') : JText::_('NOVEMBER'); case 12: return $abbr ? JText::_('DECEMBER_SHORT') : JText::_('DECEMBER'); } } /** * Set the date offset (in hours). * * @param float $offset The offset in hours. * * @return boolean True on success. * * @since 11.1 * * @deprecated 12.1 Use setTimezone instead. */ public function setOffset($offset) { // Deprecation warning. JLog::add('JDate::setOffset() is deprecated.', JLog::WARNING, 'deprecated'); // Only set the timezone if the offset exists. if (isset(self::$offsets[(string) $offset])) { $this->_tz = new DateTimeZone(self::$offsets[(string) $offset]); $this->setTimezone($this->_tz); return true; } return false; } /** * Method to wrap the setTimezone() function and set the internal * time zone object. * * @param object $tz The new DateTimeZone object. * * @return DateTimeZone The old DateTimeZone object. * * @since 11.1 */ public function setTimezone($tz) { $this->_tz = $tz; return parent::setTimezone($tz); } /** * Gets the date in a specific format * * Returns a string formatted according to the given format. Month and weekday names and * other language dependent strings respect the current locale * * @param string $format The date format specification string (see {@link PHP_MANUAL#strftime}) * @param boolean $local True to return the date string in the local time zone, false to return it in GMT. * * @return string The date as a formatted string. * * @deprecated Use JDate::format() instead. * * @deprecated 12.1 Use JDate::format() instead. */ public function toFormat($format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $local = false) { // Deprecation warning. JLog::add('JDate::toFormat() is deprecated.', JLog::WARNING, 'deprecated'); // Set time zone to GMT as strftime formats according locale setting. date_default_timezone_set('GMT'); // Generate the timestamp. $time = (int) parent::format('U'); // If the returned time should be local add the GMT offset. if ($local) { $time += $this->getOffsetFromGMT(); } // Manually modify the month and day strings in the format. if (strpos($format, '%a') !== false) { $format = str_replace('%a', $this->dayToString(date('w', $time), true), $format); } if (strpos($format, '%A') !== false) { $format = str_replace('%A', $this->dayToString(date('w', $time)), $format); } if (strpos($format, '%b') !== false) { $format = str_replace('%b', $this->monthToString(date('n', $time), true), $format); } if (strpos($format, '%B') !== false) { $format = str_replace('%B', $this->monthToString(date('n', $time)), $format); } // Generate the formatted string. $date = strftime($format, $time); // reset the timezone for 3rd party libraries/extension that does not use JDate date_default_timezone_set(self::$stz->getName()); return $date; } /** * Gets the date as an ISO 8601 string. IETF RFC 3339 defines the ISO 8601 format * and it can be found at the IETF Web site. * * @param boolean $local True to return the date string in the local time zone, false to return it in GMT. * * @return string The date string in ISO 8601 format. * * @link http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt * @since 11.1 */ public function toISO8601($local = false) { return $this->format(DateTime::RFC3339, $local, false); } /** * Gets the date as an MySQL datetime string. * * @param boolean $local True to return the date string in the local time zone, false to return it in GMT. * * @return string The date string in MySQL datetime format. * * @link http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/datetime.html * @since 11.1 * @deprecated 12.1 Use JDate::toSql() */ public function toMySQL($local = false) { JLog::add('JDate::toMySQL() is deprecated. Use JDate::toSql() instead.', JLog::WARNING, 'deprecated'); return $this->format('Y-m-d H:i:s', $local, false); } /** * Gets the date as an SQL datetime string. * * @param boolean $local True to return the date string in the local time zone, false to return it in GMT. * @param JDatabase $dbo The database driver or null to use JFactory::getDbo() * * @return string The date string in SQL datetime format. * * @link http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/datetime.html * @since 11.4 */ public function toSql($local = false, JDatabase $dbo = null) { if ($dbo === null) { $dbo = JFactory::getDbo(); } return $this->format($dbo->getDateFormat(), $local, false); } /** * Gets the date as an RFC 822 string. IETF RFC 2822 supercedes RFC 822 and its definition * can be found at the IETF Web site. * * @param boolean $local True to return the date string in the local time zone, false to return it in GMT. * * @return string The date string in RFC 822 format. * * @link http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2822.txt * @since 11.1 */ public function toRFC822($local = false) { return $this->format(DateTime::RFC2822, $local, false); } /** * Gets the date as UNIX time stamp. * * @return integer The date as a UNIX timestamp. * * @since 11.1 */ public function toUnix() { return (int) parent::format('U'); } } Αθλητικές http://dim-vavdou.chal.sch.gr/autosch/joomla15/index.php/drastiriotites/2013-08-26-10-11-08 2024-04-28T03:43:42+03:00 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management Αθλητικές 2013-05-31T12:36:30+03:00 2013-05-31T12:36:30+03:00 http://dim-vavdou.chal.sch.gr/autosch/joomla15/index.php/drastiriotites/2013-08-26-10-11-08/11-2013-07-24-12-07-46 <div class="feed-description"><p style="text-align: justify;">Η διοργάνωση των σχολικών πρωταθλημάτων έχει σκοπό τη δημιουργία ευκαιριών για την ανάδειξη των ιδιαίτερων ικανοτήτων των μαθητών στον αθλητισμό, τη συνολική καλλιέργεια της προσωπικότητάς τους, τη συνέχιση της αθλητικής παράδοσης της χώρας μας καθώς και την εκπροσώπησή της σε διεθνείς μαθητικές αθλητικές συναντήσεις.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Μετά από πρόσκληση του γραφείου Φυσικής Αγωγής, το σχολείο μας συμμετείχε στη διοργάνωση Σχολικών Αγώνων Αθλοπαιδειάς Πετοσφαίρισης με επιτυχία.</p></div> <div class="feed-description"><p style="text-align: justify;">Η διοργάνωση των σχολικών πρωταθλημάτων έχει σκοπό τη δημιουργία ευκαιριών για την ανάδειξη των ιδιαίτερων ικανοτήτων των μαθητών στον αθλητισμό, τη συνολική καλλιέργεια της προσωπικότητάς τους, τη συνέχιση της αθλητικής παράδοσης της χώρας μας καθώς και την εκπροσώπησή της σε διεθνείς μαθητικές αθλητικές συναντήσεις.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Μετά από πρόσκληση του γραφείου Φυσικής Αγωγής, το σχολείο μας συμμετείχε στη διοργάνωση Σχολικών Αγώνων Αθλοπαιδειάς Πετοσφαίρισης με επιτυχία.</p></div>